Friday, November 18, 2011

Food on the Street Friday.

I haven't had the chance to post recently. I'm going to try a Friday segment called "Food on the Street" which was another blog attempt that sputtered out. So today's entry is:

"About a block away towards Divisadero I found a mysterious script possibly written with mustard. KIEZ? Perhaps a sigil to locate a hot dog in need of mustard?"

Monday, November 7, 2011

Indecisions cause accidents.

A few days ago I was walking to work and I saw a group of three people coming out of a building ahead of me and merging into pedestrian traffic. One of the guys (well two guys and one cute red head) got seperated from the group because the commuting traffic was going against them and he got seperated. He tried to merge back to his group and he kept wobbling in a horrible attempt to get back. Of course he was right in my path and at the last second he re-united with his group but not before bumping his left shoulder moderately hard with my left shoulder. I saw that coming a mile, er, 20 feet away. He was totally incompetent at navigating the sidwalk. I walked by without confronting him (not worth it) but I did yell, "Fucker!' in a dejected tone. That will show him.... yeah.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Eye to eye with strangers.

Ok kinda creepy.

I tried this a while back for about a day or two before it got to be just too much work. For every person who made eye contact with me, I smiled and said, "Hello" or "Hi" It was interesting how many people would reply back (more than I thought.) We are so insulated to strangers on the street but when that barrier is broken it seems people are actually nice or at the least polite. I came to the conclusion that people are either too lazy or just conditioned to not interacting with random people on the street.