Monday, September 26, 2011

Crosswalk American football.

I asked a written permission with the NFL to use this bad ass photo of Frank Gore but never received a reply so I claim fair use for non-profit.

A game where you are at a crosswalk and have a team of other pedestrians on your side who agree to approach it as a simplified football game (those who don't participate can be neutral obstacles). For example, a running back who gets the ball and runs (as opposed to a pass) must rely on the line backers (the big guys at the line) to create a lane for him to run through.

Countdown timer.

The different types of players (quarterback, running back, forward, goalie, etc.)

Mostly business types in the financial district (the place for most conflicts).
*Business casuals.

Supporting cast
*Bicycle messengers.
* Razorers and skateboarders (and fuckers who ride their bicycles on the sidewalk).
*The Seniors (slow, confused).
*The fashionable.
*The geeks (over thinkers).
*The caterers (very rare).
* The tourists (random change of direction. sudden stops (take pictures). Asking for directions in the wrong language (or if correct, bonus points).
   * Germany
   * France
   * London
   * Koreans (art students in SF).

Different signaling configurations.
Regional typical.
Crosswalk patterns and colors.
  * Emergency vehicles.
       * Police cars.
       * Fire trucks.
       * Ambulances.
   *Assholes drivers.
       *Right turn on a red.
       *Left turn at past the yellow light.
       *Lane violator.
       *Stopping in the crosswalk.
       *On the cellphone.
       *The clueless/lost.


  1. I like-interesting....just viewed real quick, more later! ;)

  2. Andy, that above comment was me-Chris!
